Are you surviving or thriving?

Take the Quiz

I’m here to help you every step of the way.


I have been where you are now. I understand the challenges and the daily battles to just provide the very best care and opportunities for our children. Yet in the process of always putting the needs of our children first - let's be honest the road can feel long and lonely,  we forget our own needs,  we forget who we are.

I love helping women just like you step into the person they are meant to be by letting go of the years of labels placed on you and creating a limitless life - whatever that looks like for you.

I champion women globally who know they want more out of life - they are meant for more, without compromising their children, yet can’t see how. 

Perhaps you are  attempting to do it all yet feeling others around you have no understanding of your challenges, or you have received the initial diagnosis and are struggling to come to terms with the news. Perhaps you feel ignored when in meetings with professionals discussing your child, unable to put your views across and be heard in order to have meaningful conversations, leaving you frustrated and upset. This puts extra stress on your own health and mental well being.


Have you ever felt or experienced any of these?


  • Feel angry, wondering “why me” 
  • Look in the mirror unable to recognise the face staring back at you
  • Feel weighed down, helpless and lost
  • Buried your emotions so deep, you don’t know what you feel anymore
  • Feel alone, isolated and not heard
  • Feel stuck, trapped, overwhelmed, exhausted by daily responsibilities
  • Feel like some days you haven’t got anything more to give
  • Feel like you’re not good enough
  • Turn to food for comfort and make unhealthy choices
  • Had to give up your job or financial independence to care for your child

I truly believe that living a life on your terms is achievable and there is no better time to create your own unique roadmap, find you again and start living

I’m here to hold you accountable and keep focused on your success. I’ll help you overcome what’s stopping you and support you when self sabotage appears. I’m your guide and cheerleader rolled into one.


"I get it, I was in your shoes"


As a qualified coach and mentor specialising in supporting mothers raising children with Cerebral Palsy and disabilities and having raised my daughter who was diagnosed with CP when she was 13-months old, I help women across the globe  discover a brighter future where they feel supported, valued, healthier, happier and in control of their life again. Feel they have found themselves again – Found their identity 


Yet, here is the dilemma...


Even though there is another person who understands, you still feel unable to find your true self beyond caring for your child. Plus you are still physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted.

I get it, I was in your shoes. It’s challenging.

From the time receiving the initial diagnosis, struggling to come to terms with this devastating news as your world is turned upside down, through the years of daily battles to do as much as we can to give our child the best care and opportunities possible – let’s be honest, you want someone to help you. Yet asking for help is the hardest thing to do.

I’m here to hold you accountable and keep focused on your success. I’ll help you overcome what’s stopping you and support you when self sabotage appears.

I’m your guide and cheerleader rolled into one.




I truly believe that living a life on your terms is achievable and there is no better time to create your own unique roadmap, find you again and start living 


Dana's Walk 

In this powerful book, Sera shares her touching and inspirational story as a mother bringing up a child with a disability.

From how she raised £75,000 in just six months for her daughter to have life-changing surgery in America, the highs and lows of raising a child who defied all the professional’s expectations and turning her own life, health and happiness around. A book offering support to mothers who find themselves in a similar situation.

CLICK HERE to watch the interview.

Get your copy here. 

No more excuses - It’s time to prioritise what you want and take back control. There is so much more to you yet to be discovered 


Purchase 'Dana's Walk' or 'Transforming Your Life' here. 



A series of videos covering a range of helpful topics for parents.



5-week self-study online training with the option of adding 1:1 coaching sessions.



Rolling Programme split into 9 separate modules with live training and 1:1 coaching.



1-1 support. Explore what you actually want and honestly address what's holding you back.



1-1 support with Sera, offering practical suggestions for working through your options. 


"This technique is amazing

... I was finally able to see something for my future ... I know the solutions for my day and felt confident to use them"


1-1 support with Sera.

Coaching & Mentoring Services


All too often individuals become a shadow of their former self and forget who they once were – lack in confidence and self belief due to past events or the work environment leaving feeling you can’t be yourself.

So many people struggle and use labels to hide how they really feel which stops them growing as individuals – professionally and personally. I believe in being your authentic self, being seen and heard. If you’re an individual who is struggling showing up as themselves and feel like you are saying the same message yet nothing changes. It feels very frustrating adopting the same approach expecting a different result

I’m here to help you as your trusted partner so you can achieve the best results in the best way possible tailored for you.

Coaching for Parents

Coaching allows a thought-provoking and creative way that inspires you to maximise their personal and professional development. Gain support while in parallel have a safe space to explore what you actually want and honestly address what’s holding you back. Or perhaps you are feeling completely stuck and can’t quite understand why. 

The Benefits of Coaching

  • Develop different thinking
  • Develop self-awareness & resilience
  • Improve performance and potential
  • Improve direction & focus
  • Develop stronger motivation & drive
  • Become more resourceful
  • Improve your relationships & levels of Influence
  • Managing work-life balance
  • Navigate through challenging times

The Benefits of Mentoring

  • Through the knowledge and experience of a mentor, the mentee leapfrogs the learning process, learning to avoid making the same mistakes, by having a personal ‘guide’ who has been through the journey 

  •  Builds confidence, innovation and creativity through being challenged and inspired 

  •  Encourages you to aim higher, step up and take leadership 

  •  A mentor believes in you, will vouch for you, and share their network and knowledge to help support you 

  •  Enables a reflective space for learning


Mentoring for Parents

Mentoring is different to coaching. Its focus is much more on offering suggestions and working through different options. A mentor brings extensive experience, knowledge and influence to assist the mentee in reaching their potential and goals. The mentee brings their own personal challenges and invites the mentor into their own inner dialogue to help provide insight and intellectual challenge to move them towards their goal.

The Parent Toolkit


Videos include:

  • Take Control of Your Future & Worry Less
  • Finding Time & Taking Care of Self
  • Overcoming Loneliness & Letting Go
  • Strengthening Resilience & Eliminating Stress
  • Effective Communication – Be seen & heard
  • Handling Difficult Conversations
  • What do you Want
  • Confidence & Self Belief
  • Mindset – Habits & Behaviours 

The Parents Toolkit


The Parents Toolkit is designed to be tailored to the individual's needs. Use what you want when you need it. The purpose is to change how you act, think and behave to equip you with useful resources to achieve successful outcomes.


✔️ 9 video training covering common issues facing parents 

✔️ Lifetime Access 

✔️ Training at your fingertips when you most need that extra support 

Surviving to Thriving™️

A unique tailored 5-week solution to focus on you by unlocking the possibility for your life, personal and professional.


I’m here to support you every step of the way. Imagine waking up in the mornings filled with excitement and clarity knowing exactly what your purpose is because you’ve put in place a plan and support to make this a reality. You’ve stopped settling and living on autopilot and now each day is open to possibilities.

My job is to unlock what you already know, helping you see the opportunities. If you choose to upgrade, you’ll receive 2 1:1 coaching sessions, one at the start to set you up for success and one at the end to ensure you are clear on next steps. I’ll even support you in between sessions, via Voxer,  if that’s what you need. You’ll have me in your back pocket.  I believe it’s your right to Thrive.

Surviving to Thriving


What's included...

  • 5 week online self study training 

  •  Workbook 

  • Tools and Resources complementing training 

  • Copy of Dana’s Walk 

  • Private facebook group


Parents Unlimited

9 mastery modules with live training and coaching

Your life is worth more than being a spectator, watching everyone around you being fulfilled and happy. You deserve to pursue your version of fulfilment on your terms. Where you once understood the world you operated in, and had a level of control over it, you now feel utterly awash.

During this time, it can be hard to know where to turn, or who will understand what you’re going through. Even when you’ve come to terms with the diagnosis, the challenges involved raising a disabled child can take their toll.

This is why I developed Parents Unlimited, a group programme specifically for you. It’s not about me telling you what to do or doing the work for you . This 9-Step programme is designed to help you reclaim who you are and stand strong amidst the storm. This isn’t about taking a course and being ‘fixed’, it’s about achieving a level of self-mastery that puts you back in the driving seat of your life.

This is a rolling programme which means you can join anytime starting with that months module.

Parents Unlimited


What's included...

  • Onboarding
  • 9 Month Self Mastery rolling programme
  • Delivered globally online  
  • Monthly Live Training 
  • Private Online Community
  • 12 x 1:1 Coaching & Mentoring
  • Copy of Dana’s Walk
  • Access to Voxer (office hours)
  • Membership platform
  • Gift Boxes
  • Workbook