Letter To Older Self - Setting Intentions!
Aug 09, 2020
When I was younger and still at school, the thought of writing a letter to my older self did not enter my mind. All my thoughts were swimming in my head, imagining my wedding, thinking I would have 2 children and live in a nice house in the suburbs. Career-wise I knew I wanted to become a Hairdresser so that was a given. There were no second choices - it was my destiny. I did become a Hairdresser and worked for John Frieda. I am married and have two children living in the suburbs. My career now is in personal development and coaching.
So this weekend as I’m busy clearing our house for the big house move, I’m in my daughters room, who is now in Canterbury University studying Law, and I come across some old school papers. Among the assignment sheets was a white envelope with a letter inside. I take out the letter and start reading. WOW I’m stunned, my daughter wrote a letter to her older self while still at school and this is what she said:
What was so amazing as I was reading, Dana knew her destiny and her mind was set with a clear intention, yet there were many teachers who would laugh at her because how can a girl such as Dana who has Cerebral Palsy be capable of going to University and study Law. Others urged her to lower her expectations, as they did want her to be disappointed. Dana had a clear belief and nobody was going to get in her way.
There are two facts in this letter which are not true, the University Dana is studying Law is Canterbury and she achieved 3 distinction stars and a pass.
So what clear intentions can you set yourself today to make your hopes and dreams became a reality? If you have a belief isn’t it time to listen and take action.
If you would like to discuss your intentions with me, book your FREE clarity call here!
Sera xx
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