I Help Mothers Who Are Bringing Up Children With Disabilities To Reclaim Their Identity, Health and Happiness!
Aug 08, 2020
I don’t like surprises; I’m a person who needs to know. When I fell pregnant, knowing I was carrying a girl helped me connect with my baby. I imagined taking her for ballet lessons, her wedding day and going off travelling; then, at 13 months, everything came crashing down in a split-second…
Dana was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. ‘What now?’ I thought. I was a senior manager in the training and development industry at the time. Much to my detriment, I brought my work ethos into my home life – becoming methodical and controlling around Dana’s care planning.
The health professionals said she would never walk or hold a pen. I felt determined to prove them wrong but trying to cope with the 24/7 challenges of my child took its toll on my mental, physical and emotional well being. I hid behind labels – ‘carer’, ‘professional leader’ and ‘mother’ – becoming so absorbed in meeting Dana’s needs that I lost my identity.
By the time she turned 12, I looked in the mirror and wondered: ‘Who am I?’ I started going out for runs… Through meditating and journaling, I began to look at disability in a different way. What lessons had it taught me? Having qualified as a master NLP practitioner, I went on to become a health coach – bringing together mind and body.
I raised £75,000 to take Dana to the US for life-changing surgery. She’s been out of a wheelchair ever since she was 13. My first book, ‘Dana’s Walk’, chronicles her journey and I’ve co-authored a second book about mine. Readers have contacted me from all over to the world to say: “Your story made me feel less alone.”
Today, I help mothers of disabled children address the question: How can you still be you and give your child what they need? I’m a cheerleader, coach, mentor and speaker for parents and I also use my platform to influence leaders in the workplace.
Dana is 21 now. She enjoys living independently and studies Law at university. I’ve always been proud of her and we have a wonderful relationship. Throughout her life, people have told her she can’t do things; time and again, she’s proven she can.
I would love to support you with your journey and I would love you to see you on my programmes. Click HERE for more information!
Sera xx
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